Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 337\\/ILLIAM H. ARCHIBALD,V >Merchant, North Sydney, N.S.,was born at that place, September 23rd,1842. He is the eldest son of Hon.Thomas Dickson Archibald and SusanElizabeth Corbett, the former being aConservative and a member of theSenate of Canada, and was prominentin the political affairs of the Provinceof Nova Scotia. Mr. Archibald waseducated at the schools of SydneyMines and by private tuition. He wentinto business at the age of seventeen asbook-keeper, for the firm of Archibald& Co., this being the oldest firm doingbusiness in Cape Breton, and havebeen connected with all the enterprisesthat have been started in that countyduring the past sixty years, namely:fisheries, ship building and mining.They owned and operated the " GowrieMines," at Cow Bay, for over thirtyyears, until sold to the Dominion CoalSyndicate in 1893. Our subject wasadmitted a partner of the firm in 1867.In religion, Mr. Archibald is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a Free Mason. He wasmarried, in 1876, to Eleanor GeorginaHughes, daughter of Geo. Hughes,Esq., of Boston, Mass. His familyconsists of five children.

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