Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OR335APT.St.WM. HENRY MORAN,Martin's, N. B., was born atthat place, June 8th, 1849.H. and CarolineHe is the son of JamesMoran. He received his education atthe schools of his birth place, SackvilleAcademy, N. B., and Liverpool, Eng.He was for two years on Her Majesty'sSchool Frigate, Conway, and followed asea-faring life for fifteen years, principallyin the East India and Australiantrade. He <strong>com</strong>manded three vessels inthe Royal Navy, and at the age ofhe had the <strong>com</strong>mand of aHe retired from sea in1884. He was appointed Justice of thetwenty-onelooo-ton vessel.Peace, December 25th, 1888, his father,grandfather and great grandfatherhaving held that office before him. Hemarried, in 1870, Georgina Adelaide,daughter of Capt. Silas Vaughan, ofSt. Martin's. His family consists ofseven children. His eldest daughter isa graduate of St. Martin's Seminary,and is a superior artist. Mr. Moranhas held the offices of Assessor andInspector for the Board of Health. Heis a member of the Masonic Order andPast Master of St. Martin's Lodge. Healso belongs to the I. O. G. T. In religion,he is a Baptist, and in politics, aConservative.

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