Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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334 CANADA.M. SIMPSON, M.D., C. M.,Manitoba University, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. and L.M.Edinburgh,L.F.P.S., Glasgow, professor ofthe Principles and Practices of Medi-Manitoba Medical College, Win-cine,nipeg, Man., was born October i6th,1864, at Carleton Place, Lanark County,Ont. His father, now deceased, wasRobert Simpson, a man of sterlingcharacter, and one who, as reeve andschool official for years, took an activeinterest in public affairs.His mother,who is still living (1893), was FannyA. Cathcart, a woman of noble Christiancharacter and devoted to the higherinterests of her family.They removed to Manitoba,about 1878, and at nineteenyears of age, Dr. Simpsonentered Manitoba MedicalCollege, from which hegraduated in 1886. He thenaccepted the position of AssistantSurgeon of the St.Paul, Minneapolis & ManitobaRailway, in Montana,where he soon rose to beChief Surgeon. In 1887,he went to Great Britain,where, in the hospitals ofLondon and Edinburgh, heapplied himself to the furtherstudy of his chosenprofession. In 1889, hegraduated in Scotland, asabove indicated, and thenreturned to Winnipeg,wherehe soon became favorablyknown for his ability andskill. In politics, Dr. Simpsonis a Conservative, andex-president of Dennis Co.Conservative Association.He is an adherent of theMethodist Church, and isunmarried. He has onebrother, a medical student,and another (Holmes Simpson), a graduatein Medicine, who is now morethoroughly preparing himself in NewYork. In 1890, Dr. Simpson acceptedthe chair of Materia Medica in ManitobaMedical College, and in 1892 wasappointed to his present professorship,for which he is most fully qualified byeducation and experience. He is alsoa member of the staff of physicians andsurgeons of the Winnipeg GeneralHospital. He has very rapidly reacheda prominent place in his profession, andalso in the confidence of his adoptedprovince. His success is well meritedand will doubtless greatly enlarge.

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