Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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28W XON. CHAS. B. ROULEAU,Legislative Assembly. Judge(Sj^\ RouleauSupreme Court Judge of the is the author of "V> Notre Systeme Judiciaire,"and of other articles concerningN.-W.T. for the JudicialDistrict of Northern Alberta, Calgary, the judicature in Quebec. There are butAlta., was born December i3th, 1840, few men in the Dominion who haveat Isle Yerte, Temiscouata County, made such constant and rapid progressP. Q. His parents were Joseph and as Judge Rouleau. In politics, heEuphrosine (Patouel) Rouleau, who was a Liberal-Conservative, and inwere also natives of the Province ofQuebec, but the family originally camereligion a Roman Catholic. He isGrand Deputy, for the North-Westfrom Avranches, Normandy, France, Territories, of the C.M.B.A., and oneand settled at St. Anne de la Pocatiere, of the officers of the Grand Council ofQue., and their original property is Ontario. He was married April nth,still in the possession of the family. 1877, to Miss Elvina Dumouchel, ofJudge Rouleau was educated at the St. Benoit, Que., by whom he has twoLaval Normal School, Quebec, and in daughters and one son.1860, engaged as a' professorin the Aylmer Academy,P. Q., where he remainedeleven months. June nth,1861, he was appointed Inspectorof Catholic schoolsfor the Ottawa District,which position he held until1876. On December i6th,1868, he was called to theQuebec Bar. In 1874, hewas a defeated candidate forthe Local House in the OttawaCounty. He was appointedDistrict Magistratefor the District of Ottawa,July 1 2th, 1876, and heldthis position until 1883. OnSeptember 28th, of the latteryear, he was appointedStipendiary Magistrate forthe North-West Territory,and February i8th, 1884,was promoted to his presentposition. When StipendiaryMagistrate, he was exofficiomember of the North-West Council, and after hisappointment as Judge of theSupreme Coiirt, he was appointedalso one of the legalexperts of the North-West

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