Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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332AND. LOGAN GEGGIK,,EV.Presbyterian Minister, Truro,N.S., was born March 2oth,1863, at Ormiston, Parish of Eckford,Roxburghshire, Scotland. His parentswere Thomas and Jane (Patterson)Geggie. His father was a manufacturerand corn merchant for manyyears. He received his education inthe University of Edinburgh, afterwhich he pursued his theological coursein Free Church, New College, Edinburgh,and was ordained to the ministryof the Presbyterian Church in St.Paul's Church, June 26th, 1888. Hecame to Canada in 1887, and has sincelabored here and has been attendedwith a large degree of success. He belongsto the Orange Society and theSons of Temperance, taking an activeinterest in the welfare of the cause ofthe latter. Mr. Geggieis a young manof education and refinement, popularwith his congregation, and has alreadysecured a desirable place in the esteemof the Church and work to whichhe has devoted his life. He was marriedto Janet Mearns Miller, of Edinburgh,Scotland, daughter of Williamand Jane (Scott) Miller of that place.His family consists of two sons andone daughter.

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