Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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330PW^'**'THOMAS GILROY, Winnipeg,Man., Manager of the Sun Lifegate to the Provincial Synod, is a prominentofficial in Holy Trinity Church,*-Assurance Company for Manitoba and and a man whose hand is ever open tothe North-West Territories, was bornin 1848, in Norfolk County, Ont. He any worthy cause. He is treasurer ofSt. Paul's Indian School, and is also awas educated at the Simcoe Grammar director of the North-West Fire InsuranceCompany of Winnipeg. In poli-School, shortly after which he engagedin life insurance business, rising rapidlyin his work and in the esteem of his has rendered good service to his party.tics he is a staunch Conservative and<strong>com</strong>pany. He was appointed Inspector In 1892, Mr. Gilroy was married to Missof Agencies of the Sun Life, a position Groff, daughter of the late Henry Groff,he filled with much acceptance in Ontariofor several years. In 1882, Mr.of Simcoe, Ont., a gentleman long andGilroy was favorably known in Norfolk County,promoted by the <strong>com</strong>panyto his present position, and having been county treasurer, bankcertainly, manager, and a prominent official inunder his management, the volume of Masonic circles.the Western business ofthis popular <strong>com</strong>pany hasbeen highly satisfactory.Two elements contribute tothis result :first, the popularityamong shrewd businessmen of the " Unconditional" policies issued bythe institution which he representsand, secondly, the;universal esteem and respectin which Mr. Gilroyis deservedly held. To dobusiness with him is to be<strong>com</strong>ehis friend. He is alsoa public spirited citizen. Foryears he has been a memberof the Winnipeg MunicipalCouncil, and he is one of itsmost popular aldermen, takinga leading part in thebusiness of the council. Hehas been the efficient chairmanof the Finance Committeefor two years, and itis needless to say, takes anactive interest in the improvement,prosperity andfinancial security of hisadopted city. In religion,he is an Episcopalian, andrepeatedly has been a dele-

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