Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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**^^THE REV. GEORGE YOUNG,-*-D.D., was born in the County ofMKN 329ford circuit. Subsequently he wascalled to fill various important stations,Prince Edward, Ont., December 3ist, as Montreal, Quebec, Kingston, Toronto,Hamilton, etc. In 1868, he was1821. His early educational advantageswere few, and his boyhood was spent appointed to the Red River country,mainly in tilling the soil. During the which he reached by driving from St.rebellion of 1837-38, he rendered six Paul, Minn. He has been frequentlymonths active service in the SecondPrince Edward Troop of Cavalry, anddesignated " the pioneer and founder ofMethodism in Manitoba." In hisin 1871, when volunteers were called pioneer work, he conducted services atfor in Winnipeg to repel the Fenian Fort Garry, the Lower Fort, Sturgeoninvaders, he with his son, joined the Creek, Headiugly, Poplar Point, Highforce and marched to the front. He Bluff, Portage La Prairie, Woodlands,was converted in 1840, and received his Rockwood, Springfield, Prairie Grove,firstappointment from Conference,June, 1842, being stationed on the Ox- Boyne River, Pembina Mountain, etc.For eight years he remained in chargeof his large circuit and vastdistrict, during which hebuilt the original GraceChurch and Mission House,Zion Church and the WesleyanInstitute, which wasthe <strong>com</strong>mencement of theprosperous Wesley Collegeof to-day, besides establishingseveral missions in theProvince. In 1876, he returnedto Toronto, and waselected president of TorontoConference in 1877.In 1879, he established amission at Emerson andbuilt two churches. In 1882,he was appointed Superintendentof Missions in theNorth- West, and first presidentof that Conference,which he organized in 1883.During twenty-two years,he served the Church in theof districts.chairmanshipIn 1878, Cornell Collegeconferred upon him the degreeof D.D. In 1884, hishealth gave way, sincewhich time he has been residingin Toronto, doinggood work for the Church.

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