Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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322 MLEN ORT^RANK DUNCAN STEWART,-I Clerk of the Mimicipality ofDufferin, and one of the mostenterprising business men of Carman,Man., was born May i5th, 1853,in London, England. His parents,George McKenzie, and Jane Angelica(Wilson) Stewart, were both Scotch.At the age of three, Mr. Stewart removedwith his parents to Canada, andsettled in Guelph, Ont., where he tooka full course in the public schools, andsubsequently attended the Gait GrammarSchool. He then worked for JohnA. Wood, grocer, Guelph, for one year,and afterwards two years for the GreatAmerican Tea Company, of St. Louis,Mo., U.S. In 1873, he made his wayto Manitoba, and located near wherethe town of Carman now flourishes.After watching the development of thecountry and increasing his farm to extensiveproportions, until the advent ofthe railway, Mr. Stewart removed toCarman in 1889, and for one year conductedthe business of the MasseyCompany at this point. Then he openedthe furniture business which he stillconducts successfully, also an extensiveinsurance and real estate business. Inreligion, Mr. Stewart is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative, andsecretary of the ConservativeAssociation in his district,ticket agent for N. P.and M. Railroad, sec.-treas.Canadian Mutual Loan andInvestment Co., lessee andmanager of Dufferin OperaHall. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M., OrangeOrder, I.O.O.F., and C.O.F.In the Orange Order, he isP.W.M. of the Local LodgeNo. 1490, P. County M. ofDufferin, was two yearsDeputy Grand Treasurer ofBritish America, and is atpresent Recording Secretaryof Local Lodge and GrandTreasurer of the ProvincialGrand Lodge of Manitoba.In Masonry, he is P. M. ofOakland Lodge No. 9, P.G.Steward of the Grand Lodgeof Manitoba, and P.D.D.G.M. He was also firstChief Ranger of the LocalCourt of Foresters. .Mr.Stewart was married, March2ist, 1878, to Miss MarthaJane, daughter of SamuelKennedy, of Carman. He hasfour sons and two daughters.

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