Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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320WjENRY HALL SMITH, Comc*t"|rnissioner of Dominion LandsV> and a member of the Do-in the Macdonald-Cartier administration.After receiving his early education,Mr. Smith entered Upper CanadaCollege, Toronto, after which heminion Lands Board, Winnipeg, Man.,whose duties among others embrace the began the study of law, and was admittedas attorney and barrister. Headministration of Dominion Lands inManitoba, the North-West Territories was a member of theand British Columbia, and Municipal Councilinvestigationof disputed claims to land under u of the town of Peterboro', from 1878 toThe 1883, being mayor during the lastManitoba Act," was born December three years. In religion, he is an1 7th, 1867, at Cobourg, Ont. He is the Episcopalian. He was married, Octobersou of the late Hon. Sidney Smith, 2ist, 1867, at Dundas, Minnesota, towho was a member of Legislative Assembly,and Georgina McAlpin. His family consistsof one son, Dr. W. Harvey Smith,subsequently of LegislativeCouncil of Canada, prior to Confederation,and was Postmaster General present House Surgeon of at ManhattanEye and Ear Hospital, New York.

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