Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.jmTHOMAS HART, M.A.,,EV.B.D., Winnipeg, Man., wasborn iiiPaisley,When Scotland.quite young, he removed withhis parents, John Hart and Jean MasonSemple, to Canada, settling in Perth,Ont., where he received his early education.In 1857, he matriculated atthe University of Queen's College,Kingston, where he took his degree,carrying off prizes in classics, mathematicsand philosophy. He was forsome time head master of the WardsvilleGrammar School, during whichtime he also took an additional coursein French at the Pointe-aux-TremblesSchool. He then returnedto Queen's, and studiedtheology for three years,taking the degree of B.D.He was then appointedprincipal of the Perth HighSchool, which he resignedin 1870, to spend a year inScotland, attending selectedclasses in EdinburghUniversity. While there,he was received by theGeneral Assembly as a licentiateof the Church ofScotland. On his return toCanada, he was asked bythe Synod's <strong>com</strong>mittee toundertake college and missionwork in Manitoba,and entered upon the workin 1872. He was thus thefirst, and at the time of theunion of the Presbyterianchurches, the only minister1of the Church o Scotlandin Manitoba. In 1874, inview of the approachingunion, his status as professorin Manitoba Collegewas formally accorded him.The subjects taught by himare the Ancient Classics andFrench. In 1877, he was one of thefounders of the University of Manitoba,and has been a member of its councilsince that time since ; 1879 he has beensecretary of the Board of Studies of theUniversity, and since 1878 an examinerin classics. He has also been closelyidentified with church and missionwork and for nearly twenty years hehas been either secretary or chairman ofthe <strong>com</strong>mittee for the Indian missionsof his church, and in 1889-90, was moderatorof the Synod of Manitoba and theNorth-West Territories. He was marriedin 1872, to Isabella Margaret,daughter of Judge Malloch, of Perth.

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