Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 315,EV. WILLIAM LE BARONMcKIEL, Rector of HolyTrinity Church, St. Martin'sSt. John County, N. B., was born atHelegiate Institute, Windsor, N. S., afterwhich he entered King's College,Windsor,graduating in 1863. In 1864, hewas appointed rector of St. George'sGreenwich, N. B., July 6th, 1841. Church, Bathurst,is the son of Lient.-Col. Wm. N. B., where he remaineduntilB. McKieland 1874, when he was appointedby the Bishop to the rectorshipEmily Catherine Gorman, bothdescendants of U. E. Loyalist stock, of St. Mary's Church, Douglas, N. B.,his great-grandfather McKiel <strong>com</strong>ing where he remained for seventeen years,to Nova Scotia with Delance's Division when he was unanimously elected toin 1783, he being in the British Army Holy Trinity Church, St. Martin's, hiscarrying despatches from post to post, present charge. He was married, inand on arriving in Nova Scotia settled 1864, to Eliza Frederika, daughter ofon the St. John River. Mr. McKiel Captain John Christopher Rudolf, ofreceived his primary education at theschools of Kingston, N.B., and the Col-Lunenburg, N. S. In politics, Mr.McKiel is a Liberal-Conservative.

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