Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 313BORTHWICK,,EV. HUGH J.A.M., editor of the Herald, anda member of the firm ofBorthwick & Fox, publishers of theHerald, Morden, Man., was born July26th, 1824, in the Parish of Glencorse,Midlothian, Scotland. His were parentsJohn and Elizabeth (Jameson)Borthwick, the former being a parishschool teacher for over fifty years. Mr.Borthwick was educated at his father'sschool, Cauvin's Institution, near Edinburgh,and Edinburgh University, graduatingfrom Victoria University, Cobourg,Ont., in 1859. In 1845, ^ecame to Canada, and taught school nearMontreal, Que., for aboutone year, then removed tothe neighborhood of Hamilton,where he was tutor forabout two years, after whichhe was assistant in the privateschool of Rev. J. G.Geddes, who was also incumbentof Christ's Church,Hamilton. He was licensedin 1858 by the Presbyteryof Hamilton, in connectionwith the Church of Scotland.He was Principal ofthe Newmarket GrammarSchool for about three years,then of Queen's CollegeSchool, Kingston, aboutthree years, then of the OttawaGrammar School, andheld the office of Inspectorof Public Schools for Ottawafor three years, all ofwhich offices he filled withthe best of satisfaction toall. In 1876, he removedto Manitoba, under the auspicesof the PresbyterianHome Missionary Committee,and remained in chargeof the Pembina Mountaindistrict until 1884, when heretired from the ministry ;and subsequentlyentered inio partnership withMr. Neil Fox and bought the MordenHerald from Mr. E. A. Bailey. Priorto <strong>com</strong>ing to Manitoba, he had charge ofChelsea and Hull, in Ottawa Co., P.Q.Mr. Borthwick is a member of the A. F.& A.M., and in politics is a Liberal, althoughformerly giving his support tothe Conservative party. He was married,April, 1848, to Miss Marion Tay-daughter of John ^Eneas Tayler,ler,S. S. C., of Edinburgh. His familyconsists of two sons and four daughtersliving, his eldest son, John, being reeveof the Municipality of Stanley.

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