Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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312 M.KNW yENRY GEORGE COOK, B.A., College of Physicians andSurgeons of Manitoba, Manitou, Man.,was born September 2 2nd, 1867, at FortEllis, Man. He is the son of the lateRev. Thomas Cook, Rural Dean ofMarquette, Manitoba, and Ann Bruce,of English and Scotch descent respectively.His father was a missionary ofthe Church of England in the North-West Territory for forty years, andwas widely known and very highly respected.Dr. Cook received his educationat the public schools and at St.John's College, Winnipeg, graduatingin Arts from the latter institution in1887. He entered Manitoba MedicalCollege in 1889, and graduated with thedegrees of M.D.,andC.M., in the Springof 1892, after which he immediatelysettled in Manitou, where he still remains,and is fast building up a largeand important medical practice, andjudging from his past record, he willdoubtless take a high stand in theMedical profession. In religion, theDoctor is a member of the Church ofEngland, and in politics, a Conservative.He is also a member of the MasonicOrder, and of the I.O.F., and isphysician to the latter.

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