Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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JOHNKELLY BAR-RETT, LL.D., Inspectorof InlandRevenue, Winnipeg, Man.,was born June 6th, 1850, inHamilton, Ont. He is theeldest son of Charles andCANADABridget Barrett. In 1854,his parents removed to Puslinch,Ont., where in thepublic school he receivedhis primary education. Owinglargely to the efforts ofhis father, who took an activepart in municipal andeducational matters, thisschool became so efficient,that in one year, six of itspupils passed teacher's examinations,Dr. Barrett beingthe first among its pupilsto take a first class certificate.After teaching for ashort time, he entered HolyCross, the famous JesuitCollege, at Worcester, Mass.,after leaving which he becamePrincipal of St. Mary'sModel School at Hamilton.In 1873, he accepted a positionin the Inland RevenueDepartment his ; promotionwas rapid, and in 1885, he was promotedto his present position, one of the known all over Canada in the now his-by his Alma Mater. He became widelyhighest in the department. He always toric law suit : Barrett vs. City of Winnipeg,which was taken to test thetook an active interest in educationalmatters, and was superintendent ofSeparate Schools constitutionality of the new School Act.in St. Catharines, Dr. Barrett is a member of the GrandOnt., for three years. In 1890, when Council of the C. M. B. A., and Grandthe Greenway Government abolished Deputy for Manitoba and British ColumbiafirstCatholic schools, he immediately cameinto prominence as ; vice-president of St. Vincentde Paul Society, a member of themanaging-directorand editor-in-chief of the Northwest Council of Manitoba University, and aReview, the English organ of the trustee of the Catholic schools. InCatholic party. In 1892, the University 1875, he married Sarah Maria, eldestof Ottawa conferred upon him the degreeof LL.D. One month daughter of Win. O'Brien, of Hamilton.later, a His family consists of fivesimilar degree was conferred upon him daughtersand two sons, living.

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