Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OR CANADA. 309\\/M. McKENZIE McLEOD,V \M.D., ex-M.P., Medical Superintendentof Quarantine Station, Sydney,C. B., was born July 4th, 1854, atthat place. He is the son of Rev. HughMcLeod, D.D. Dr. McLeod was educatedat Sydney Academy, Sydney,C.B., and Dalhousie College and University,Halifax. He took his medicalcourse at Bellevue Hospital MedicalCollege, graduating from that institutionin 1875. In 1889 and 1890 he alsotook special courses in the diseases ofthe eye, ear, nose and throat, at NewYork Post Graduate Medical Hospital,and this specialty he now practicesthe closed season.duringFrom 1875 until 1879, ^epracticed his profession inSydney, when he enteredthe political field, and waselected M.P. to succeed hisbrother, the late HughMcLeod, to represent theCounty of Cape Breton, andheld that honor until 1882.In 1883, he was appointedMedical Superintendent ofQuarantine, at Sydney,which position he still holds.Dr. McLeod is also presidentof the Cape BretonMedical Society, and a memberof the Nova Scotia MedicalSociety. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, andalso takes an active interestin the work of the Y.M.C. A., and holds a <strong>com</strong>missionas Justice of thePeace. He was married inDecember, 1884, to MissHattie Tremaine, daughterof Lewis H. Tremaine, Judgeof Probate and Inspector ofWeights and Measures forthe County of Cape Breton.His family consists of oneson and one daughter. In 1886, he organizedthe Sydney Battery of FieldArtillery (Canadian Militia), of whichhe is the Major in <strong>com</strong>mand, a positionfor which he is eminently qualified,having obtained a first-class certificatefrom the R. S. A., Quebec, in March,1887. Dr. McLeod is a member of theBoard of Commissioners of schools, forhis county, appointed by the ProvincialGovernment, and permanently holdingoffice. In politics,he is a supporter ofthe Liberal-Conservative administrationin the House of Commons. In hisprofession, he is a skilful and widelyknown specialist.

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