Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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308 MEN ORISAAC CRISP, Auctioneer,Real Estate and CommissionAgent, Souris, Man.,was born Nov. 8th, 1849, at SwaffhamPrior, Eng. He was educated at trieCommercial School, Cambridge, afterwhich he was employed by a wholesalegrain dealer, with whom he remainedfor some time. He then farmed fouryears, subsequently going into theauctioneer and real estate business withMr. Hawkes, under the firm name ofHawkes & Crisp. In 1880, he cameto Canada, settling in the Plum CreekSettlement, Man., in 1881, where hefarmed and ranched for six years. Herepresented Ward No. 3, in the municipalityof Whitewater in 1884, but resignedat the end of his term. He issecretary-treasurer of the " GlenwoodAgricultural Society,"" The FarmersInstitute," "The Souris Turf Club,"and of the Liberal-Conservative Associationof Souris and district. Hetakes great interest in agriculture,stock raising, and all matters pertainingto the advancement and good of thecountry. He is also C.P.R. ticket andtelegraph agent, and lessee and proprietorof the Bell Telephone systemin the town of Souris. In religion, heis an Episcopalian.

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