Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 307,EV. A. MCDONALD HAIG,B. A., Pastor of the PresbyterianChurch, Glenboro',Man., also at Cypress River, Man.,was born November nth, 1855, at Baltimore,Ont. His parents were Davidand Margaret (McDonald) Haig, nativesof Scotland, and farmers. Mr.Haig received his education at the Baltimorepublic school and Cobourg CollegiateInstitute, after which he taughtschool four years. After remainingsix months in the Brantford CollegiateInstitute, he entered Toronto University,graduating in the Spring of1883, and from Knox College in 1886,Hehaving a brilliant college course.was ordained to the ministry of thePresbyterian Church, at Brandon,Man., July i4th, 1886, after whichhe was missionary on the CypressField one year, during which timehe was very successful, and wasinducted into his present charge inAugust, 1887, and has succeeded inmaking the Congregation self supporting,and in building them up spiritually.In politics, Mr. Haigis a Reformer.He was married, October 6th,1887, to Miss Jean, daughter of HughElliott, of Agincourt, Ont. He has twochildren : one son and one daughter.

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