Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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;o6+r^ 7S>[HE LATE REV. JOHN BLACK,*- D. D., Kildonan, Man., was bornJanuary 8th, 1818, in Dumfrieshire,Scotland. He was the eldest son ofWilliam Black and Margaret Halliday.His education was begun in the ' GairSchool," where the foundation was laidof that extensive knowledge of Latin,Greek and French, for which he wasafterwards distinguished. After leavingschool,he was a successful teacherfor some years. In 1841, he came toAmerica and settled in New York State,remaining three years, resuming at theDelaware Academy his literary preparationfor the ministry. In 1844, he enteredKnox College, Toronto, afterwhich he was for three years missionaryand agent of the French CanadianMissionary Society. In 1851, therewas a request for a minister for the RedRiver Settlement, and Mr. Black acceptedthe position of missionary toKildonan. He was ordained 3ist Julyof that year, and immediately startedfor his distant mission, arriving on igthof September at Kildonan, and foreleven years toiled on alone, when hewas joined by the Rev. James Nisbet,who assisted him for four years. In1870 the Presbytery of Manitoba wasformed, and in 1871 Manitoba Collegeestablished, both of whichsteps were taken mainlythrough his efforts. Probablythe most trying crisisof his life was the Metis Rebellionin 1869-70, and hiswise and prudent counsel inthis time of trouble, helpedto avert much blood shedand save life. In the Winterof 1 880-8 1, under toogreat work, his health gaveway, and he went abroad fora time, returning in theautumn, temporarily improvedbut passed peacefullyaway February nth,;1882. He was an eloquentpreacher and a faithful andmuch beloved pastor, waspresident of the Bible Societyfor years, and deeplyinterested in educationalmatters and in the cause oftemperance. In 1876, thedegree of D. D. was conferredupon him by Queen'sUniversity. A wife, threesons and three daughterssurvive him, some of whomhold important positions inthe country.

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