Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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305THE LATE LIEUT.-COLONELA HON. WILLIAM NASSAUKENNEDY, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn at Darlington, Ont., on the 27thof April, 1839, and received his educationat Peterboro, Ont. He beganlifeas a contractor, and subsequently gaveup that occupation for the study of law.He removed to Fort Garry in 1870, andreceived the appointment of Registrarof Deeds in 1872, which position heheld till the time of his death, in May,1885. During his life, he held manyprominent positions, among which maybe mentioned that of mayor of Winnipegfor two years, member of the North-West Council, president ofthe P. & W. R. R., theS. W. C. R. R., the North-West Fire Insurance Co.,Winnipeg Philharmonic Society,a member of theOrange Lodge, Grand MasterA. F. & A. M. for Manitoba,and in musical circlesalways wel<strong>com</strong>ed. His militarycareer was a very brightone. At the early age ofseventeen years he joinedthe volunteers, and everafterwards evinced a keeninterest in all military matters,receiving the highesttokens of recognition for hisservices, and holding at thetime of his death a lieutenant-colonelcy.As captainand adjutant he served withthe 57th Battalion, duringthe Fenian Raid in 1866,and in 1870 he was chosento ac<strong>com</strong>pany the first RedRiver Expedition to FortGarry. In 1873, he organizedand <strong>com</strong>manded theWinnipeg Field Batterytill1883, when he resigned its<strong>com</strong>mand to accept the lieutenant-colonelcyof the QOth Battalionthen organizing. In 1884, at the requestof the Imperial Government, heorganized the Manitoba contingent ofthe Nile Voyageurs for the GordonRelief Expedition, under <strong>com</strong>mand ofGeneral Lord Wolsley, and ac<strong>com</strong>paniedit to the close of the campaign. Whenon his return to his native land, he wastaken ill at London, Eng., and diedMay 3rd, 1885. He was buried inHighgate Cemetery with full militaryhonors, His Royal Highness theDuke of Cambridge, General LordWolsley, and many others, being inattendance.

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