Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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304\\/ W. GLASS, merchant tailor,r ^ 268 Yonge street, Toronto,Ont., was born March 27th, 1862, atTiverton, Ont. He is a son of Johnand Jane Glass, who are members ofthe Methodist Church and highlyrespected. Mr. Glass attended publicschool at Tiverton, afterwards movingto Bervie, where he continued hisstudies. At sixteen years of age, hewent to Kincardine to serve an apprenticeshipto the tailoring trade.Coming to Toronto in 1882, he workedas a journeyman tailor for a short time,but soon was promoted to the position oflishment in that city. By painstaking,industry and economy, he accumulatedthe K. of P. He has always been acttivelyidentified with temperance workand is a popular Orangeman. Mr.Glass was married in 1882. His familyconsists of five children. In religion,he is a Methodist. He is oneof the rising men of Toronto, andhead cutter in a leading tailoring estab- highly respected.sufficient capital to <strong>com</strong>mence businesson his own account, when he establishedhimself in his present quarters,with a select line of goods. He is amember of the Masonic Fraternity, alsoof the I.O.F., and is Past Chancellor in

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