Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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302THOS, VINCENT, D.D.,,EV.Archdeacon of Moose, a mission-_ ary in the diocese of Moosomin,under the auspices of the Ch.Missionary Society, Salisbury Square,London, England, was born March ist,1835, at Osnabrugh, in the AlbanyRiver District. He is the son of Johnand Charlotte (Thomas) Vincent. Hisfather was an employee of the Hudson'sBay Company, and held the position ofsenior clerk in the service. He retiredfrom the <strong>com</strong>pany about the year 1841,settled in Red River, in St. Paul's Parish,and died in 1874. His mother isstill living (1893). He received hisearly education in St. Paul'sParish School, and then atSt. John's College, Winnipeg.He assisted on hisfather's farm until he wastwenty years of age, whenhe went out with BishopAnderson to Moose Factory,in 1855, and was a catechistthere for five years, fillingthe position very successfully.He was ordaineddeacon at Moose Factory, inJuly, 1860, and receivedpriest's orders in St. John'sChurch, Winnipeg, in May,1863. He has been incharge of the Albany Missionsince 1860, and hasalso had charge of the MooseMission for six years. Hewas married in September,1 86 1, at Moose Factory, toEliza Ann Gladman, daughterof Joseph Gladman, Esq.,of the Hudson's Bay Company.His family consistsof three sons and two daughters.The Archdeacon'szeal, courage, self-sacrifice,and the hardships he hasendured, during his longterm of ministry, cannot be fullydescribed, although he considers nosacrifice too great to advance the interestsof his beloved cause. As a labourof love he translated Bunyau'sPilgrim's Progress, from the Englishto one of the Indian languages, whichtask took upall his leisure hours forseveral years. His life is an unanswerableargument against agnosticism, andhe isvery popular with all who knowhim. He is often for many months ata time away from his family. Formerly,he could receive mail only once ayear, but now receives it about once inevery three months.

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