Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE++^^LATE HON. AN-A DREW GRAHAMBALLENDEN BAN-NATYNE,Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born in 1830, atSt. Margaret's, Orkney.He was educated in Stromness,and at the age of sixteen,came to Rupert's Land.His career in the North-West dates from 1846, whenarriving at Sault St. Marie,he entered the Hudson'sBay Company's service,under his uncle, chief factorJohn Ballenden, where heremained five years, whenhe removed to Fort Garry,and <strong>com</strong>menced business onhis own account. To givethe details of Mr. Bannatyne'sthirty-eight years experiencein the North- West,would exceed the space atour <strong>com</strong>mand he was a;prosperous merchant yearsbefore the advent of railways,when he could onlyimport goods once a year,via the ice bound regions ofHudson's Straits, or twicea year by sending teamsover land to St. Paul. He also heldlarge and valuable blocks of land inWinnipeg and Manitoba, which as thecountry developed, became very valuable,but as values decreased, he had toreckon with heavy losses, which wouldhave been far less, had it not been forhis open handed disposition, and thepart he took in numerous enterprises,which benefited the public at the expenseof the promoters. In 1851, he was marriedto Annie, fifth daughter of the lateAndrew McDerinot. Mr. and Mrs.Bannatyne were, from their wealth andinfluence, leaders in the social circle,and were known for their wide andMEN CANADA. 301generous hospitality. In religion he wasa Presbyterian, and a liberal supporterof that church. He was one of thefounders and active promoters, and achairman of Manitoba College, and amember in high standing of the MasonicOrder, and of St. Andrew's Society,one of the directors of WinnipegGeneral Hospital, and did many thingsto promote the <strong>com</strong>mon weal. He wasalso postmaster for Assiniboia, first policemagistrate for Winnipeg, memberof the House of Commons for Proven-and a member of the N.-W. Coun-cher,cil. He died May i8th, 1889, leavinga widow and five children.

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