Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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300 OR\\/M. EDWARD EMMONS, L.* VD.S., D.D.S.,Winnipeg, Manitoba,was born September 2nd, 1861, inHastings County, Ont. He studied withDr. Neelands of Lindsay, Out., from1879 until 1882, when he wentManitoba and entered the office ofBenson, whose assistant he was until1884, when he opened an office onown account, which he conductedthree years. In 1887, Dr. Emmonsentered the Chicago College of DentalSurgery, where he remainedmonths. In the Fall of 1889, heturned to the same institution, and Spring of 1890, took his final toDr.hisforsixre-ingrees, asequippedfession, andthat he shoulda large dentalDr. Emmonsthe Methodistin Gracepolitics, hebelongs toOddfellows.1891, Dr.Miss Jennie McCrossan,Manitoba.daughter.above indicated.by education it is thereforebe in theconnection.is an activeChurch, and Sunday Reformer, IndependentOn the nthEmmons wasMcCrossan,Esq., ofHis family consistsHe is but naturalenjoymentIn religion,memberis librarianSchool.andOrder June,marrieddaughterWinnipeg,ofwellpro-ofInalsooftoone

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