Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.REDBRICK WILLIAM COL-CLEUGH, M. P. P., Merchant,Selkirk, Man., was born in 1845,in West Flamboro', Wentworth County,Ont. His father was the late WalterColcleugh, Esq., a staunch Liberal,merchant, mill owner and postmaster,who died in 1887. His mother, who isalso deceased, was Sarah Kirkpatrick,daughter of the late James Kirkpatrick,Esq., who, for forty- three years, wasthe honored and highly respectedMr.treasurer of Wentworth County.Colcleugh was educated in Dundas andin which latter town he studiedPicton,law, and passed the Law Society examinationwhen only sixteen. He,however, abandoned law and entered<strong>com</strong>mercial life as a clerk. Ten yearsafterwards, he started in business forhimself in Carlisle, Ont., where hebuilt up a large and successful trade,and in 1874, sold out and went to Manitoba,where he has since remained. Hehas been elected mayor of Selkirk,seven consecutive terms, five of whichwere by acclamation. In 1888, he waselected M. P. P., for St. Andrews, andre-elected in 1892. Mr. Colcleugh, inreligion, is a Presbyterian, and in politics,a Liberal and a strong advocate ofFree Trade and Provincial Rights. Heis a prominent official inthe C. O. F. and of St. Andrew'sSociety, of Selkirk.He was the first presidentof the Manitoba Hail InsuranceCo., and also firstpresident of the Lake WinnipegLumber Trading andTransfer Co., and was forsome time president of theSt. Andrew's AgriculturalSociety. Mr. Colcleugh hasbeen married twice ; first, toMiss Nichol, daughter ofJames Nichol, Esq., of HaltonCounty, who died in1888, leaving six children,four of whom are now living,and again, in May, 1893, toMiss Emma Shaw, specialcorrespondent of the BostonTranscript and Jottrnal ofEducation. Mr. Colcleughtook charge of the bill toobtain the charter for theSelkirk Eastern and WesternRailway ColonizationCompany, Selkirk ElectricLight Company, and alsoobtained charter for the Selkirk& Winnipeg ElectricRailway.

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