Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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2QO"YVOLLIAM BATHGATE, Man-V Vaging Director of the ManitobaElectric and Gas Light Company, Winnipeg,was born in 1832, in Edinburgh,Scotland. His father was Joseph Bathgate,for many years a trusted officialin the employ of the Duke of Buccleugh,and his mother was GraceHyslop Bathgate. They were descendedfrom two of the oldest families of Scotland,and emigrated to Wisconsin,U. S. A., in 1852, and settled in Janesville,where the father died in 1856 andthe mother in 1874. Mr. Bathgatewent into business in Montreal in 1861,where he remained until 1870, when heremoved to Guelph Township, WellingtonCo., Ont, where he bought a 'finefarm;and the following year was marriedto Margaret Armstrong, daughterof the late Jas. Loughrin, of Eramosa,one of the first and most highly respectedpioneers of that township, hehaving settled there early in this centurywith his father, a native of theNorth of Ireland. His family consistsof two sons and two daughters, viz.:James L-, Joseph, Elizabeth L., andMaggie A. In 1878, Mr. Bathgate removedto Winnipeg and engaged in thefurniture business, which occupied hisattention until 1883, when the <strong>com</strong>panyof which he is at the head,was formed, and he was appointedmanager. In religion,he is a Presbyterian,a member of Kuox Church,of which Board of Trusteeshe was chairman for sometime. He is also a memberof the A.F. & A.M., and ofthe Winnipeg St. Andrew'sSociety. Inpolitics, Mr.Bathgate is a staunch Conservative,an activeand influentialmember of theWinnipeg Conservative Association,and is well knownthroughout the Dominion asa ready, clear, and incisivewriter on the trade question,being thoroughly conversantwith all importantpublic issues, not only civicand provincial, but alsofederal and foreign. Hislong experience and hiskeen grasp of all questionsrelating to politics or tradeconstitute him one of thebest informed and most usefulmen in Manitoba andthe North - West Territories.

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