Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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289refinement,r. NOAH HEWITT, M.A.,B.D., Incumbent of St. John'sadapted, by education and Episcopal Church, Manitou,Manitoba, and Rural Dean of Dufferin,was born April 2nd, 1856, at Kingston,isampleOnt. His parents were John Howardand Sarah Ann (Harper) Hewitt, ofEnglish and Irish descent. He receivedhis early education in the publicschools of Bruce and Huron counties,Ontario, and the Goderich HighHe School.then entered St. John's College,Winnipeg, and graduated in Arts in1890, and in Divinity in 1891. He wasordained deacon in St. John's Cathedral,Winnipeg, May 25th, 1890, and priestgraduateclass lifein Christ Church, Winnipeg,March 25th, 1891.Prior to this Mr. Hewitttaught school two years inOntario, and nine years inManitoba, seven years ofwhich were in Winnipeg. Hetook all the teachers' examinationsfrom third class tofirst class, making an exceptionallybrilliant course,and taking grade A in thelatter. Immediately afterordination as deacon, Mr.Hewitt took charge of theManitou Mission, which hasbeen rapidly growing underhis care ever since, until itwas found necessary todivide it in 1892. He wasalso instrumental in buildingthe Winram MemorialChurch (eight miles southof Manitou), at a cost ofabout $6,500. He was appointedRural Dean inApril, 1893, and in thesame year he received thedegree of M.A., at the convocationof Manitoba University.He isadmirablyto the sacred work to whichhe has devoted himself, and the markedsuccess which has attended his ministry,evidence of the wisdom of hischoice in the selection of his life work.He is an office holder in the MasonicOrder and a member of the GrandLodge of the I.O.O.F., for Manitoba.In politics he is a Conservative. Hewas married, December 25th, 1883, toRebekah, daughter of Frederick A.Barnes, of Kincardine, Ont., by whomhe has one son. Mrs. Hewitt is aof the Kincardine and WinnipegHigh schools, and holds a second-certificate.P"

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