Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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282 MBN CANADA.LATE REV. ALEXANDERFARQUHARSON, Sydney, C.B.,N.S., was born in 1838, at Middle River,Cape Breton, N.S., and died October 2 ist,1892, at Sydney, C.B., N.S. His fatherwas the Rev. Alex. Farquharson, oneof the pioneer ministers of Cape Breton,latter church he was pastor seventeenyears, or until his death, in October,1892. In politics, Mr. Farquharsonwas a Conservative, and in religion, aPresbyterian. He was also a memberof the Masonic Order. His memory istenderly cherished by all who knewand his mother was Annie McKenzie, him,of Middle River, C.B. He as a true friend, a devoted husbandand father, and a faithful mi-received hiseducation at Dalhousie College, Halifax,and the Theological Hall,nister of the Gospel. He was married,in 1875, to Miss Barbara McLeod,He Halifax.was ordained to the sacred ministry, eldest daughter of Rev. Hugh Mc-in December 1864. His first appointmentwas at Leitche's Creek, C.B., and who survives him. His family con-Leod, D.D., of Sydney, Cape Breton,afterwards at Glace Bay and then St.Andrew's Church, Sydney, of whichsists of three children, one daughterand two sons.

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