Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN. D. MAcGILLVARY, M.D.,Sydney, N.S., was born January22nd, 1842, at Springville,Pictou County, N.S. His parentswere Rev. Angus and Anna (Matheson)MacGillvary, the former was a pioneerPresbyterian clergyman of Pictou County,but now deceased. Dr. MacGillvaryreceived his education at Truro~N.S., Presbyterian College, and HarvardUniversity. He received his medicaleducation and graduated at BellevueMedical College, New-York city.He has been in Sydney since 1864,enjoying a large medical connection.Dr. MacGillvary belongs to the KnightTemplars, and other Masonic Orders,and has been superintendent of the MarineHospital, for nearly tweuty years.In politics, he is a Liberal, and in religion,a Presbyterian, and an elder in thechurch to which he belongs in Sydney.He was married, in 1866, to Miss Mc-Kenzie, of Sherbrooke, N.S., daughterof the late Abner McKenzie. Hisfamily consists of two sons and threedaughters. His eldest son, Dr. S. H.MacGillvary is assistant physician ofthe Long Island Home, Amityville,Long Island, U.S., and his second son,Gordon, is studying pharmacy in NewYork city.

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