Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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269W TON. E. TILTON MOSELEY, June and, 1846, at Halifax,N.S., was educated there in the FreeChurch Academy, and at DalhousieCollege. He began the study of lawin the office of the late Judge McCully,in 1863, was admitted a Barrister andAttorney-at-Law, in 1867, when he removedto Sydney, where he has sincepracticed. Mr. Moseleyis a Master inChancery, and was created a Q.C. bythe Dominion Government, in 1881.He is a Conservative in politics,waselected to the Nova Scotia House ofAssembly, as one of the representativesof Cape Breton County, in 1874, andwas re-elected in 1878. When theLegislature met in 1879, the ConservativeParty having a majority, Mr.Moseley was elected as Speaker, whichposition he held for three years, untildefeated with Sir John Thompson'sGovernment, in 1882. Mr. Moseley wasMayor of Sydney for 1890. He ispresident of the Liberal-ConservativeAssociation for his constituency. Inreligion, he is a Presbyterian, andholds the office of trustee. He marriedIsabella, daughter of the late SamuelBrookman. His family consists of onedaughter and three sons.

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