Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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AMUELTILLEYGOVE, M.D., St.Andrews, CharlotteCounty, N.B., is the son ofJeremiah Gove and ElizabethTilley, and is of U.E.Loyalist stock. He wasborn, February I5th, 1813,at Gagetown, Queen's County,N. B. Dr. Gove receivedhis education at theschools of the city of St.John, and then studied medicinewith the late Dr. Cook,of St. John, for six years,after which he entered Phillip'sAcademy, at Exeter,New Hampshire, on leavingwhich institution, in 1831,he went to London, Eng.,and attended Guy's andSt. Thomas' hospitals, andgraduated from the RoyalCollege of Surgeons in 1833.He then returned to NewBrunswick, and began topractice in Sussex, and fromthere went to Gagetown,and in 1839, removed to St.Andrew's, where he workedup a very large and successfulpractice, doing at leasttwo thirds of the practice of the surroundingcountry. He is the oldest registeredpractitioner in the Province. He has beenwas surgeon to the Dominion Troops,at St. Andrews, during the FenianRaid of 1866; he also has charge ofCoroner for over fifty years, and was one the Meteorological Department at St.of the directors of the first railway that Andrews. He isgradually retiringwas built in the Dominion. He was from the medical profession, leavingitappointed by the Hon. Peter Mitchell, to younger men. He has had chargeMinister of Marine, to report on the of the Marine Hospital for forty-fiveworking of the Marine Hospital, and agreat many of his suggestions wereyears, and is also chairman of theBoard of Health. In religion, he is aadopted. He was married, in 1835, to member of the Church of England, andMary Howe, daughter of Samuel Fairweather,Esq., of Sussex, a descendant vative. He has also been a member ofin politics, a staunch Liberal-Conser-of the U.E. Loyalists. His family consistsof one son, who is now practicing has held most of the offices in the giftthe Masonic Fraternity since 1842, andmedicine at St. Andrews. Our subject of that order.267

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