Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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266ALIC PATERSON,classes and gave bright promise for theM.D., C.M., Killarney, Man., future. AfterJAMESgraduation, he practicedwas born April i6th, 1865, at with his father at Port Elgin, for onePort Elgin, Ont. His parents were Dr. year, and in July, 1890, <strong>com</strong>menced theJames R. and Constance Paterson, nativesof Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Thepractice of his profession in Killarney,where he has remained ever since withformer has for many years conducted a his practice constantly increasing. Hevery successful practice at Port Elgin.is also health officer for the Municipalityand a coroner for the province ofDr. Paterson was educated in the publicschool of Tiverton, Walkerton High Manitoba. He is a pains-taking physicianand is much respected by hisSchool and Queen's University. Hegraduated in medicine from the RoyalCollege of Physicians and patients and esteemed by the entireSurgeons, <strong>com</strong>munity. Dr. Paterson is a memberMay 22nd, 1889. Both in his classical of the A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., andand professional studies, he was a C.O.F. In politics, he is a Reformer,bright student, standing well in his and in religion, a Presbyterian.

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