Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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21crM ALLEN, K.B., LL-D.,4 TON. SIR JOHN CAMPBELLChiefVs> Justice of New Brunswick,Fredericton, N. B., was born in YorkCounty, N. B., October ist, 1817. Heis the son of the late Captain JohnAllen and Ann Blair, both of NewBrunswick. After <strong>com</strong>pleting his educationat the different schools and theCollegiate Institute, Fredericton, hestudied law with the Hon. John SimcoeSaunders, Fredericton, and was admittedan attorney in 1838, sworn inas barrister in 1840. During 1845-47,he was <strong>com</strong>missioner for settling theclaims to lands in the Madawaska settlement,under the Treatyof Washington, 1842, andfor twelve years was officialreporter of the SupremeCourt of the Province. Hewas a member of the Houseof Assembly from 1856 to1865, Solicitor General in1856-57, Speaker of theHouse from 1863 to 1865,Attorney General in 1865,and in the latter year wasalso a delegate from thegovernment of New Brunswickto the Government ofEngland, on the subject ofConfederation, and on hisreturn from England, wasappointed Judge of the SupremeCourt, and in 1875,Chief Justice of the Province.In 1878, he was appointedone of the arbitratorsto settle the northwestboundaries of the Provinceof Ontario, the other arbitratorsbeing Sir E. Thornton,the British Minister atWashington, and the lateChief Justice Harrison. ButChief Justice Allen beingengaged in an importantcriminal trial, Sir E. Thornton wasunable to longer delay, and Chief JusticeAllen resigned the appointment. In1845, the Chief Justice married Margaret,daughter of the late Lieut. -Col.Drury, of St. John, N. B. In October,1888, he was presented by the Bar ofSt. John with a valuable piece of plate,itbeing the 5oth anniversary of his admissionto the legal profession, and inApril, 1893, the Bar of the Provincepresented to the Supreme Court a lifesize portrait of the Chief Justice, whichnow hangs in the Supreme Court roomat Frederieton. In religion, he is amember of the Church of England.

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