Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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261RIGHT REV. JOHN CAM-ERON., D.D.,Ph.D., Bishop ofAntigonish, was born at St. Andrew's,Antigonish, N. S., February i6th,1827. His parents, John Cameron andChristina Macdonald, were natives ofScotland. His early education wasreceived at St. Andrew's GrammarSchool. In 1844, he was sent to Rome,where he pursued his studies until1854. In 1851, he received the degree ofPh.D., and in 1854, that of D.D. Forsome years he had charge of theLibrary and Museum, and for a timeacted as rector of the college. In May,1854, he left Rome, reaching Arichat,N.S., in September, wherehe acted as rector and professorof Classics, in thenewly established college.In June, 1855, he was appointedpastor of St. Ninian'sand rector and professorof Sacred Scripture,Moral Theology and EcclesiasticalHistory, in St.Francois Xavier's College,Antigonish. In 1863, hewas sent to take charge ofthe Parish of Arichat, wherehe resided until 1 880. Earlyin 1870, he was appointedco-adjuter Bishop of Arichat,and was consecrated inRome, by Cardinal Cullen,Archbishop of Dublin. InApril, 1871, he was entrustedwith an importantmission to Harbour Grace,Newfoundland, by the HolySee. In 1877, he was appointedBishop of Arichat.In 1880, he was againcharged with a most delicatetask, in the Diocese ofHalifax, and he dischargedit so as to merit the approbationand thanks of HisHoliness. In 1885, he was sent asDelegate Apostolic to the Province ofQuebec, on a very difficult mission,which he ac<strong>com</strong>plished with such successas to merit and receive the repeatedthanks and congratulations of the Pope.The speedy abolition of the crushingdiocesan debt, the flourishing state of thenew College at Antigonish, the eightsuccessful convents he has added, andthe ten new parishes he has established,prove the success of his administration.In 1886, the title of the See of Arichatwas changed into that of Antigonish,where he took up his permanent residence,in 1880.

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