Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN OK255Gray & Kaye, barristers ;was admitted an Attorneyin 1864, and called to theBar in 1865, and has sincepracticed his profession inSt. John. He was appointeda referee of the SupremeCourt of New Brunswick,Equity Side, in 1886, andwas appointed Sheriff inApril, 1893. He was electedpality of St. John in 1883,and served five years inthat capacity. He was chosenwarden of the municipalityin April, 1884 and1885. In April, 1886, hewas elected mayor of Portlaud,and was re-elected by4 TENRY LAWRANCE STUR- City and County of St. John,N.B., was born April nth, 1842, in St.John, N.B. His parents were HenryParker Sturdee and Emily Lawrance, his Chapter, and of the Encampment ofwife, both natives of England. Mr. Sturdeewas educated at private schools in St. two years vice-president and two yearsSt John (Knights Templar). He wasJohn, the Collegiate School, Fredericton,N.B.,and King's College, Freder-is Lieutenant-Colonel of the 3rd St.president of St. George's Society, andicton, (now the University of New John Reserve Militia. Sheriff SturdeeBrunswick). He matriculated in September,1858, was awarded the Douglas Jane Agnes, daughter of the late Win.was married, September 26th, 1866, toGold Medal in June, 1859, graduated R. Fraser, Esq., M.D.,B.A. in 1861, and M.A. in 1863. Heof Edinburgh,Scotland. His family consists of threestudied law in St. John, with Messrs.an alderman for ward four,of the city of Portland, (nowforming part of the city ofSt. John), in 1883, 1884 and1885. He was also electeda councillor of the munici-acclamation the followingyear. Sheriff Sturdee belongsto the Church of England,and has been vestryclerk and treasurer of TrinityChurch, St.John, since1871, and secretary-treasurerof the Madras School, in NewBrunswick, since 1877. He is WorshipfulMaster of the Union Lodge ofPortland, A.F. & A.M., is a memberof the New Brunswick Royal Archsons and two daughters.

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