Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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254,EV. THOMAS HENRY JACK-SON WALTON, B.A., Rectorof St. Thomas EpiscopalChurch, Morden, Manitoba, was bornAugust 1 8th, 1866, at Dharwar, CentralIndia. His parents, Rev. Williamand Mary (McNeil) Walton, his fatherbeing of English and his mother ofScotch descent. Mr. Walton, Sr., enteredthe ministry in September, 1887,and was ordained priest, at Winnipeg,in 1888. He was stationedat Clearwater, and subsequently atMorden, where he was Rural Deanuntil succeeded by his son, November6th, 1891. Rev. T. H. J. Waltonbegan his education at Allesley ParkCollege, England, and subsequentlyattended King's College, London, Eng.In 1 88 1, he came to Ontario, and in1885, he removed to Manitoba. In1887, he entered St. John's College,Winnipeg, graduating in arts in 1890,from the University of Manitoba. Hewas ordained deacon in 1890, andpriest in 1892, by Bishop Machray. Hisfirstcharge was Melita, and in November,1891, he was appointed to his presentcharge. He married, November 6th,1891, Miss Louisa J., daughter of JohnWilson, Esq., of Maringhurst, Man.,by whom he has one son.

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