Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA.TV/ILLIAM A.DONALD, B.A.,and senior member* +Solicitor,of the firm of Fraser & Co., bankers,Pilot Mound, Manitoba, was bornJune 9th,i*11849, NorthumberlandCounty, Ont. His parents were Alexanderand Jean (Scott) Donald, bothScotch. Mr. Donald obtained his educationin the public schools of NorthumberlandCounty, the CollegiateInstitute, Kingston, and Queen's University,graduating iu 1873. He thentaught in the High School of Almonte.He subsequently studied law with thelate J. S. Fead, of Orangeville, Ont.,and continued his studies in Allistonand Toronto.He became a solicitor in1879, and practiced in Orangeville,Out., until 1882, when he removed toWinnipeg, Man. The same year hesettled in Pilot Mound, and opened alaw office. In 1883, he embarked inthe banking business with his presentof Pilotpartner. He was mayorMound, in 1884 and 1885, and is thepresent treasurer of the municipality ofLouise. He belongs to the MasonicOrder. In religion, he is a Presbyterian,and in politics, a Conservative.On July 4th, 1883, he married Lucy,daughter of the late James Holden, ofOrangeville, Ont. He has one daughter.

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