Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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248JOHNSUTHERLAND, farmer,Kildonan, Man., was born December23rd, 1837, in Kildonan,Red River Settlement. His fatherwas Alexander Sutherland, who cameto the settlement in 1823, anc^ was oneof that body of sturdy Presbyterians,that strove so long to get a minister oftheir own church, for the settlers, andin 1853, visited Toronto, to secure thereturn of their minister, the late Dr.Black, to his distant parish. Hismother was Christina McBeath, whowas born in Kildonan, in 1816. Herparents were among Lord Selkirk'searly settlers. Mr. Sutherland is oneof our many self educatedmen, being at schoolonly a short time. He isan ardent social reformer,taking a deep interest in thepromotion of temperance,and is a strong prohibitionist.He is a "Templar,"and has been president ofhis lodge. He has alwaystaken a deep interest inpublic affairs, and has beenfor some years a member ofthe Kildonan Council. Inpolitics,Mr. Sutherland is,fromconviction, a Liberal.From 1871 to 1878, he representedKildonan in theLegislative Assembly, andtook an active part in thelegislation of that formativeperiod. He had the honorof introducing, in 1871, thefirst bill dealing with PublicEducation in Manitoba.This bill was thoroughlynon-sectarian, as Mr. Sutherlandisopposed to classlegislation of every kind.In him, corruption, in anyparty, finds an un<strong>com</strong>promisingopponent. In religion,he is a Presbyterian, and haslong been an elder, having been ordained,in 1867,. by the Rev. Dr. Black,whom forhe has ever had the warmestfriendship. Since 1879, he has beensuperintendent of the Sunday School ofthe Congregation, and conducts theBible Class. He has been a memberof the Board of Managementof ManitobaCollege from its foundation, andcalled the first meeting to take steps toerect a building for the College in Kildonan.In 1862, he was married to Flora,daughter of Hugh and Jannet Poison,both among Lord Selkirk's settlers. Hehas two sons and three daughters.

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