Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN247,KV. JOHN JOSEPH CHIS-HOLM, P.P., Pictou, N.S.,was born at Heatherton,March 3 ist, 1840. He is the son ofAlexander Chisholm and CatherineChisholm. The former was a nativeof Strathglass, Invernesshire, Scotland,and came to Canada in 1818, locatingat Heatherton, County of Antigonish,N.S., where he died, October, 1879.Father Chisholm was educated at theschool of Heatherton, and the GrammarSchool, St. Andrew's. In 1857,he entered St. Francis Xavier College,Antigonish, where he finished hiscourse, preparatory to entering uponthe study of divinity. In 1862, heentered the Sulpician Grand Seminary,Montreal, where he continued his studiesuntil the end of the year 1865, whenhe was ordained priest, by ArchbishopLynch, of Toronto, December 1 7th, 1865.Immediately after ordination, he becameone of the assistant priests of St.Patrick's, Montreal, where he remainedfor about four months, when he returnedto his native diocese. In May of thesame year, he was given charge of themission of Broad Cove, but the missionof Margaree being vacant, and much inneed of the services of a priest, at thetime, he was sent, after six weeks' workin Broad Cove, to takecharge of the latter mission,where he remained untilOctober, 1875. On the istNovember, 1875, he tookcharge of the mission ofHeatherton, where he serveduntil the ist of November,1892, when he was put incharge of the mission ofPictou, where he still continues.When Father Chisholmleft Heatherton, hewas presented with a purseof money and other tokens,from his parishioners, as anexpression of their goodwill towards him, and whileregretting his departurefrom among them, wishedhim every success in hisnew field.Although <strong>com</strong>ingto Pictou, almost an entirestranger, it was not longbefore he had won the heartsof his people there. FatherChisholm has had four brothersand three sisters, onlyone brother of whom is:living, namely Rev. ArchibaldChisholm, P. P.,Judique, N. S.

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