Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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,EV. THOMAS GUMMING,Pastor of St. Andrew's Church,Truro, N.S., is a native ofStellarton, Pictou County, N.S., but ofScotch parentage. He received hiseducation, first in his native village,and afterwards continued it at the NewGlasgow Grammar School and theHalifax Academy. He received histheological education in the PresbyterianCollege, Halifax, N.S., and wasordained to the ministry in 1863. Heafterwards visited the leading collegesof the Dominion, as well as of theUnited States, Scotland and Ireland.He was nine years pastor of SharonChurch, Stellarton, from which he wascalled to Calvin Church, Montreal,succeeding the Rev. Dr. Scriniger. In1884, he succeeded Dr. Burrows, aspastor of St. Andrew's Church, Truro.with hisIn 1890, he, in <strong>com</strong>panybrother, Rev. Robert Gumming, travelledround the globe.The PresbyterianRecord, for 1891, contains sketchesof his travels in the Holy Land.Under Mr. Cumining's pastorate, thecongregation, at Truro, is in a flourishingcondition. In 1874, he was marriedto Tillie McNairn, of Quebec. He hasthree sons, one of whom isstudyingwith a view to entering the ministry.

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