Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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2 45,EV. ARCHIBALD BOWMAN,Presbyterian Clergyman, NewGlasgow, N. S., was' bornApril 24th, 1841, at Cadder, near Glasgow,Scotland. He is the son of Jas.and Jean (Buchanan) Bowman, nowdeceased ;the former was a farmer andMr. Bowman received hisgrain miller.primary education at the parish schoolof Cadder, and continued his highereducation at Glasgow University. Hewas ordained in 1872 to Braemer Chapel,Aberdeenshire. Prior to that, hewas assistant in St. John's Church andto Rev. Dr. Macleod, Park Church,editor of Good Words, and afterwardsbecame minister of Forglen, Banffshire.Mr. Bowman is also a member of theIndependent Order of Oddfellows. Inhe is a Conservative. He is apolitics,prominent minister in his denomination,and is an ex-moderator of his Synod.He is an able preacher, active in allthat concerns the welfare of his church,or the moral uplifting of the <strong>com</strong>inunity,and his entire ministry has beenmarked by success. He was married,March loth, 1874, to Miss Helen Maclean,daughter of John and IsabellaGemmell Maclean, of Glasgow, Scotland.His family consists of two sonsand one daughter.

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