Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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243RUTHERFORD, Stellar-professional practice. In 1880, whenton, N.S., the first Government theJOHNexplosion took place in the AlbionInspector of Mines for NovaScotia, is a native of Durham Mines, he was summoned, from England,to assistCounty,England. He in replacing the mines inwas educated at a private a productive condition. He was subsequentlyappointed manager, in whichschool, and when sixteen was placedwith a civil engineer of considerable position he remained until the Vale andrepute, at Hartlepool, after which he Halifax <strong>com</strong>panies were amalgamatedspent two years in the engine buildingshops of the now well-known Harpointed,by the Dominion Government,with the Acadia Coal Co. He was aptlepoolEngine Works of Thomas Richardson& the Advisory Board, for thea member ofSons. Here he gained such Philadelphia Exhibition, in 1876, anda practical knowledge of machinery, as was one of the superintendents of thewas very valuable in after life. He collection of minerals sent there. Heabandoned civil engineering, however, was also, for some years, examiner inand was articled to Mr. George (now mining at King's College, Windsor, N.S.Sir George) Elliot, the eminentmining engineer andcoal owner, after which hewas placed in a positionwhich enabled him to gainan intimate knowledge ofthe difficulties in sinkingthrough the Magnesianlimestone and beds of quicksand,and the mode of over<strong>com</strong>ingthem, at the Seahamand Seaton collieries. Aboutthis time, Mr. Rutherford,entered the office of a firmof land and mining surveyors,where he remaineduntil appointed mining assistantof Lord Durham'sextensive collieries, whichoffice he held for some years.In 1865, Mr. Rutherford,being strongly re<strong>com</strong>mended,was engaged as inspectorof mines for the province ofNova Scotia. He held thatposition for six years, afterwhich he resigned to be<strong>com</strong>ethe general manager of theGeneral Mining Associationof London, which positionhe held for five years, afterwhich he followed a private

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