Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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240LAWSON, Ph.D., LL.D., F.I.C.,Halifax, N.S., was born atNewport, Parish of Forgan,Fifeshire, Scotland, OctoberI2th, 1827. His early educationwas received at aprivate school, from whichhe entered the Universityof Edinburgh, and devotedhis attention to the naturaland physical sciences. Hisstudies at Edinburgh extendedover a period of tenyears, during which, he wasoccupied with scientific andliterary work. He wascurator of the UniversityHerbarium, until it was removedto the Royal BotanicGarden. He assisted Prof.Balfour in class work, conducteda select class in histologyfor advanced students,and taught the use ofthe microscope and the methodsof research in regardto plants. On the death ofDr. Fleming, professor ofnatural science, Dr. Lawson,in conjunction withthe late Andrew Murray,continued the lectures. For his work inpreparing and carrying through thepress, the catalogue of the library ofthe Royal Society of Edinburgh, hewas <strong>com</strong>plimented by Sir R. Christison,in his presidental address. In 1858,he accepted the appointment of professorof chemistry and natural history inQueen's University, Kingston, Out.On leaving for Canada, he was presentedwith a purse of sovereigns, anda valuable silver salver, in order that,as one of the speakers said at his farewell:"meeting Canadians might knowwhat Scotland thought of his services."Dr. Lawson filled his position inQueen's College, Kingston, with muchacceptance until 1863, when he resignedand accepted his present professorship.The space allotted to hisbiography will not admit the details ofhis success, nor afford room for themention of his connection with all theimportant literary and scientific societiesin this and the old land. In religionthe Doctor is a member of theChurch of Scotland, and Conservativein politics.He was married twice :first, to Lucy, daughter of CharlesStapley, Chelsea, Eng., and second, toCaroline Matilda, daughter of Wm.Jordan, Rosehall, Halifax, N.S.

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