Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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OK 239r.HORACE D. COOPER,A., Incumbent of EmmanuelEpiscopal Church, Holland,Man., was born July I7th, 1838, at theCross Roads, where Clinton, Out., nowstands. His parents were Rev. H. C.Cooper, B.A., and Susan Bowden. Mr.Cooper's father was also an Episcopalclergyman, and died in 1878. Hismother is still living. Mr. Cooperreceivedhis early education from hisfather, and afterwards at the NiagaraGrammar School. He entered TrinityCollege, Toronto, in October, 1855, andgraduated B.A. in 1859. He was ordaineddeacon in St. James Cathedral,Toronto, in October 1861,and priest in the sameplace, in October, 1862. Hisfirstcharge after ordinationas deacon, was at Beverly,where he remained until1867. He was then incumbentof St. James Church,Fergus, Ont., until 1872,then Holland Landing, Out.,until January 1875, thenCol borne and Brighton, untilOctober, 1880, when heexchanged with Rev. Mr.Gardner of Morris Man.,for one year, after which hereturned to Ontario, and tooktemporary charge at Bolton,Ont., for nine mouths,He was then at Lloydtown,Out., from March,1882, to December ist,1886. then Battern Mission,near Coilingwood, for twoand one half years. InJuly, 1888, he took chargeat Stayner and Sunnidale,Ont., and resigned at Easter,1893, and then took chargeat Holland, Man., June 25th,1893. When Mr. Cooperbecame incumbent here, thechurch was in a weak condition, but itis already prospering, and the congregationis about to erect a new churchbuilding, which will cost about $2,500.He has always been an energetic,painstaking and successful man, and inall his charges, has done good work,and he isonly repeating in Hollandwhat he has done elsewhere. Mr.Cooperis a P.M. in the A.F. & A.M.He was married July 2oth, 1864, toMiss Selina Caroline, daughter of thelate Peter Ruthven of Hamilton, Ont.His family consists of seven sons andtwo daughters, living, and one sondeceased.

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