Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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MEN 237REDERIC E. BARKER, M.A.,>.C.L-, Q.C., Barrister, etc.,St.John, N.B., was born December27th, 1838, at Sheffield, Sunbury County,N.B. He is the son of Enoch andMary S. Barker, now deceased, whoseancestors came from Massachusetts toSheffield, previous to 1760. Mr. Barkerreceived his education at Sunbury GrammarSchool and King's College. He graduatedfrom the latter institution, receivingthe degree of B. A. in 1856, andsubsequently took the degrees of M.A.,B C.L. and D.C.L. in due course. Hewas admitted as attorney in 1860, andbarrister in 1861. He studied with thelate Mr. Justice Fisher, and was, for six3'ears in partnership with the late Mr.Justice Wetmore. Mr. Barker has beenpresident of the Barristers' Society ofN.B., and the St. John Law Society,and is at present a member of thecouncil of these societies. He is also amember of St. George's Society, andwas its president for two years, is presidentof the St. John Bridge and RailwayExtension Co., and a director inSt. John Gas Company. In politics,he is an active Conservative. He wasrepresentative in the House of Commonsof the city of St. John, havingsucceeded Sir Leonard Tilley on hisappointment to the Governorshipof New Brunswickin 1885, but -was defeated atthe general election in 1886.In religion, he belongs tothe Episcopalian Church,and is church warden of St.Paul's Church, St. John.He was one of the <strong>com</strong>missionersappointed by theN. B. Government to consolidatethe statutes in 1875,and a member of the LawC ommission, afterwards appointedby the same government.Mr. Barker hasbeen married twice :first, in1865, to Julia, daughter ofEdward Lloyd, at that timeof the Royal EngineersCivil Staff, stationed at St.,andJohn, by this marriagethere were two daughtersone son;the latter a graduateof the R.M.C., Kingston,is now a lieutenant inthe Royal Artillery, stationedin Egypt; he was marriedafterwards to Mary Ann,daughter of the late B. A.Black, of Halifax, N.S., bywhom he has two daughters.

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