Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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2 34 MEN OF SFORBESALLOWAY,Hon. James McKay, and so continuedbanker, Winnipeg, Man., wasborn at " for some years. Afterwards he conductedthe business on his own account.The Berries," Queen's County,Ireland, on the 2oth August, 1852.His parents were Arthur Wni. andMary Christina (Johnson) Alloway.In 1879, Mr. Alloway, with Mr. H. T.Champion, founded the Banking HouseAlloway & Champion, the name ofHis mother was a daughter of the late which has always beenThomas synonymJohnson, Esq., of Dublin, whointegrity and honor. This institutionwas a brother of the late Hon. Robert is one of the few which weatheredJohnson. His father was late of the the collapse of4th, King's Own. Mr. Alloway wasWinnipeg's boom. Mr.educated at the Montreal Alloway built the magnificent OgilvieHigh School, Mills, of Winnipeg, Man., of which heand in 1870, joined Lord Wolseley's was the firstmanager, he being one ofRed River Expedition. In 1873, hebecame a partner in the transportationthe charter stockholders of the OgilvieMilling Company, (Ltd.), Winnipeg.For six years, he was a member of theWinnipeg City Council, andtook an active interest inall that pertained to theimprovement and prosperityof the city. Since 1879, n ^ sbusiness has demanded allhis time and attention, sothat he has had to refusefurther municipalHe honors.was instrumental inbringing about the abolitionof the C.P.R. monopoly, inManitoba, anent the DisallowanceQuestion. He isan able business man, andhas done much to help forwardthe interests of Manitoba.In religion, Mr.Alloway is an Episcopalian,and in politics, a Liberal.On the 3rd of September,1878, he was married toElizabeth, eldest daughterof the late James Maclaren,Esq., of Pinehurst, Buckingham,Que.,whowas presidentof the Bank of Ottawa,and one of the lumberkings of the Dominion.Mrs. Allowayis a niece ofProf. Maclaren, D. D., ofKnox College, Toronto.

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