Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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i8OK CANADA.THE LATE HON. GILBERTA McMICKEN, Winnipeg, Man.,was born at Glenluce, Wigtonshire,"Scotland, on the historic i3th ofOctober, 1813." He came to Canadain 1832, and in 1838, was appointedCollector of Customs at Queenstou, andwas chief promoter of the QueeustonSuspension Bridge, holding over onequarter of the stock. In 1851, hewas warden of the united counties ofLincoln and Welland, was firstmayorof Clifton, and in 1852, was appointedCollector of Customs at Clifton, Woodstock,Ingersoll and London. In 1857,was elected M. P. for Welland. In1860, Mr. McMicken removedto Windsor, and in1864, was appointed StipendiaryMagistrate over thewhole frontier of WesternCanada, and successfullyallayed the Fenian excitement,especially in thecities of Detroit and Buffalo,for which he received thespecial thanks of LordMonck. He extradited severalnotorious criminals, asin the Burley piracy, andReno and Anderson, andMorton and Thomson cases,and arranged settlement ofthe disputed internationalline at the St.boundaryClair Flats Canal. Mr.McMicken supervised theprotection of the Parliamentarybuildings, upon themurder of the Hon. ThomasD'Arcy McGee, and protectedby convoy several illustriouspersons in theirjourneys through Canada,notably H. R. H. PrinceArthur, in 1869, from whomhe received cherished souvenirs.In 1871, he wasappointed agent of Dominion lands inManitoba, Assistant-Receiver General,Dominion Auditor, Immigration agent,and manager of the Dominion GovernmentSavings Bank, and in 1878, retiredon superannuation. In 1879, hewas elected M. P. P. for Cartier, andwas honored with the Speaker's chair.February i3th, 1835, he married AnnTheresa Duff, grand-daughter of Commodore(afterwards Hon.) Alex. Grant.On March 7th, 1891, Mr. McMickendied, leaving an unsullied name, anda character of sterling integrity. Threesons survive him, Alexander, HamiltonGrant and Albert Clifton.

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