Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA. 233MARKS PORTER, retiredmerchant, ship builderthe Peace, and, having been a strongadvocate of the temperance cause alland farmer, of St. Stephen, N.B., was his life, he fought hard to do awayborn in that place, June 24th, 1804. withHe the granting of liquor licenses inreceived his education at the schools Charlotte County, and succeeded in theof St. Stephen, and in 1828 <strong>com</strong>menced non-granting of the same for one term.business as general merchant, at Mill When nineteen years of age, he nearlyTown, N.B. He also did a large businessin lumber, and in connection which rendered him insensible, but hislost his lifeby a lightning stroke,with his brother John, did quite an extensivebusiness in ship building, underterminate, and incareer was not so tohis ninetieth year (1893), Mr. Porterthe firm name of John and G. M. Porter.His brother having died on his honorable and eventful life. His chil-looks back with pleasure on a long,way home from California, where he dren occupy various positions of trust,had been with one of their vessels, Mr. most of them residing in the UnitedGeorge Porter continued to carry on States.the different branches ofbusiness by himself, remainingin Mill Town forforty-one years. He thenremoved to his present residencein St. Stephen, andcontinued in business thereuntil 1876. He was fornineteen years a director ofSt. Stephen's Bank, forfifteen years consular agent,and for forty-five years presidentof the St. C roix andPenobscot Railway, whichposition he still holds. Hehas been married twice;first, to Mary, daughter ofSamuel Topliff, Esq., ofRobinston, Maine, in 1829,by whom he had three sonsand four daughters, andafter her death, he marriedElizabeth M., daughter ofMr. Housley, of Boston,Mass., who died in March,1891. In religion, Mr. Porteris a congregationalist,and holds the office ofdeacon. In politics, heis a Liberal-Conservative.When a mere youth, hewas appointed a Justice of

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