Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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232( T EORGE A. B. ADDY, M. D.,^-AC.M., Practicing Physician andSurgeon, St. John, N.B., was born inthat city, January 2nd, 1869. Hisparents were H. George Addy, andCecelia (Bessonett) Addy. His grandfatherwas the Rev. John S. Addy, whocame from Sheffield, County of York,Eng., to St. John's. Newfoundland, in1836, then to Liverpool, N. S., andHalifax, N. S. and St. John, N. B. Hewas a Wesleyan clergyman, and leftSt John's, Newfoundland, in 1857, anddied in Yarmouth, N. S., in 1884. Dr.Halifax from St.H G Addy, came toJohn's, Newfoundland, in 1860, andserved three and one half years in theAmerican Rebellion, after which hereturned to Halifax, and finally to St.John, N. B. Dr. Geo. A. B. Addy waseducated in the St. John schools, andgraduated at McGill University, Montreal,after which he practiced for a shorttime in St. John, North End. Since1891, he has been superintendent ofthe General Hospital, St. John. Hebelongs to the Knights of Pythiasand St. George's societies, and is secretaryof the New Brunswick MedicalSociety, and second vice-president of St.John Medical Society. In politics, he isa Liberal, and in religion, a Methodist,

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