Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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,an230 OK CANADA.out, and settled in Somerset,in the County of RockLake, where he has beenfarming ever since. On theorganization of the provinceinto municipalities,Mr. O'Malley \vas gazetted acouncillor by Lieut.-GovernorCauchon.In 1880, andfor five consecutive yearsafter that, he was elected tothat office. In 1885-86, hewas elected to the Reeveshipby large majorities,since then he has not beenopposed, but is elected annuallyby acclamation. In1888, Mr. O'Malley waselected to the Local Legislature,and in 1892, after theredistribution of the provinceinto counties, he wasreturned by acclamation, atribute to his sterling worth,and an honor of which theonce penniless Irish boymay very justly be proud.He is president and directorof the Lome AgriculturalSociety, and not only takesinterest in whatever pertainsto the welfare of hisconstituency, but he is an ardent friend1^ Lome, County of Rock Lake, of Manitoba, and has done yeomanV5> Manitoba, was born Augustyth, 1857, in Galway County, country. In politics, he is a staunchwork in the interest of his adoptedIreland. His parents, John and Catharine(Robinson) O'Malley, died when of the principles of his party, but he isConservative, and an able exponenthe was very young, and left a family respected alike by Conservatives andof eight small children, of which Mr. Liberals for his ability and manlyO'Malley was one of the youngest. qualities. In religion, he is a memberHe came to Canada when sixteen, and of the Episcopal Church. On Marchfor three years was engaged on the 2nd, 1882, he was married to Misssurveys of Manitoba, after which he Sarah Clouston, daughter of the lateengaged for a year and a half in the Wm. Clouston, Esq., an old andconstruction of telegraph lines. He highly esteemed officer of the Hudson'sthen bought a farm in Marquette county,Manitoba, but after two years sold son and twoBay Co. His family consists of onedaughters.^T\ G. O'MALLEY, M.P.P., for

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