Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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226 CANADA.ADAMS BLAKELY, M.D.,Winnipeg, Man., Deputy Ministerof Education for the Provinceof Manitoba, was born November4th, 1854, at Cherry Valley, Ont. Hisparents were William Brock and Lucy(Adams) Blakely, of U. E. Loyaliststock. He received his education atthe High schools in Picton and Napanee,and the Toronto Normal School.He went to Winnipeg in 1881, passedthe examination for first-class teachers,and was at once employed on the staffof the city schools. Being a successfuland progressive teacher, his promotionwas rapid. He was soon placed incharge of the Central School,then the largest in the Pro- r -vince, and did much to carryit forward to itspresentstate of efficiency. Afterhe resigned the principalshipto <strong>com</strong>plete his coursein medicine, he was twiceelected school trustee bylarge majorities. Dr. Blakelygraduated from ManitobaUniversity in 1889,and was appointed to hispresent position in Novemberof the same year. Hisexecutive ability and experienceas a teacher haseminently qualified him forthis office, and he is doinggood work in the interest ofeducation in the Province.He his widely known andhighly respected thoughoutthe Province, he has alwaystaken an active interestin church work, being anofficial member of GraceMethodist Church, and ateacher of the Young People'sBible class in its SundaySchool. He did a largeshare of work in connectionwith the organization of Wesley Churchand McDougall Memorial Church, andwas the first recording Stewart in eachof them. He is also an active temperanceworker, and at presentis GrandChiefTemplar of the I. O.G.T., for Manitoba.He is active in every good wordand work, and spares neither time norcause. Dr.energy to help a goodBlakely was married, September 24th,1890, to Miss Arrninda Myrtal, daughterof the late Abraham Law, of RichmondHill, York County, Ontario.Mrs. Blakelyis Provincial presidentof the Women's Christian TemperanceUnion in Manitoba.

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